Inevitably you will need to order additional jerseys or garments during the season. This can happen for a variety of reasons including new players being added, players leaving, damage from play or improper laundering. In addition, in order to extend the life of your uniforms, you will need to add uniforms each year as players change, graduate or move on. Our fill-in policy and charges are below.
For repeat and fill-in for existing orders (not Emergency Uniform Fill In-see below) standard lead times will apply. In addition the following surcharge applies to fill-ins of less than 10 pieces. For fill-ins of 1 or 2 pieces a surcharge of 30% applies, for fill-in of 3 to 5 pieces a 20% surcharge applies and for 6-9 pieces a 10% surcharge applies. All fill-in orders must reference original PO or Order Number. New sizing and numbers are acceptable on fill-ins. Fill-in surcharges are based on each piece not order total. What this means is that if you ordered 20 total items on the order but it was divided as 3 of one item, 6 of another and 11 of another then the surcharges on the individual items would be 20%, 10% and 0%. Please note that NO CHANGES to color, design or logos can be done on fill–ins. The only acceptable changes are numbers and/or names. All fill-ins are also subject to a $10 freight differential charge on the order.
The lead-time for emergency fill-in orders to replace ripped or damaged jerseys or to accommodate new players is 2 weeks. Maximum number of units that can be ordered under this program is 2. There will be a 30% surcharge for this service plus the $10 freight differential charge. Only player uniforms can be ordered on this service. This means that items such as hoodies, compression, jackets and accessories are not eligible for this service. There is no emergency fill in service for custom team gloves.